How To Heal Perioral Dermatitis

And regain your confidence!

Meet Zoe

Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Perioral Dermatitis Specialist

Zoe suffered with a severe case of perioral dermatitis, and although everything she read told her PD was a chronic skin condition that could only be "managed", she was able to get to the root of what was truly causing this poorly understood skin condition and heal it for good!

She has now helped 100's of women all around the world heal their PD and get off that seemingly never ending hamster wheel of harsh bandaid medications like antibiotics and immunosuppressive creams.



How To Heal Perioral Dermatitis

And regain your confidence!

Meet Zoe

Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Perioral Dermatitis Specialist

Zoe suffered with a severe case of perioral dermatitis, and although everything she read told her PD was a chronic skin condition that could only be "managed", she was able to get to the root of what was truly causing this poorly understood skin condition and heal it for good!

She has now helped 100's of women all around the world heal their PD and get off that seemingly never ending hamster wheel of harsh bandaid medications like antibiotics and immunosuppressive creams.

In this training, you're going to learn...

  • The proven method that Zoe uses in practice that has now helped over 600+ individuals heal their skin! (without harsh bandaid medications!)

  • The top triggers that Zoe has seen in practice, after years of experience as a perioral dermatitis specialist

  • About the "Three Pillars" of triggers for PD

  • The HOW + WHY behind the manifestation of PD

Grab the exact method that helped these women achieve clear, glowing skin!

Pssst... stick around until the end for a special bonus!